
I am a Robotics PhD student in the Dynamics and Control Systems Laboratory at the Georgia Institute of Technology being advised by Professor Panagiotis Tsiotras. My research is supported by a NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunity. I received my BS in Computational Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin in 2019.

My research interests include computer vision, 3D perception, and navigation with a specific interest in aerospace applications. For more information, see my CV.

Selected Publications

Keypoint-based Stereophotoclinometry for Characterizing and Navigating Small Bodies: A Factor Graph Approach
Travis Driver, Andrew Vaughan, Yang Cheng, Adnan Ansar, John Christian, and Panagiotis Tsiotras
SciTech, 2024 (Best Student Paper Finalist)
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AstroVision: Towards Autonomous Feature Detection and Description for Missions to Small Bodies Using Deep Learning
Travis Driver, Katherine Skinner, Mehregan Dor, and Panagiotis Tsiotras
Acta Astronautica, 2023
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